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Wildifyed EP

by Axel Wild

Por que estamos capturando histórias da vida selvagem e compartilhando-as com os habitantes locais?


Somos Sounding Wild, dois irmãos que se reconectaram à natureza independentemente um do outroer graças à tecnologia em primeiro lugar.

Sendo nós mesmos migrantes, nos sentimos inspirados pelas aves migratórias, sua força, comportamento e os ambientes que visitam. Decidimos então compartilhar nossos encontros com a vida selvagem com todos em nosso caminho.

black-crowned cranes.jpg

Black Crowned Cranes by Ario Drioli

Tracks descriptions:

1. Ode to My Blood

Inspired by the words of Axel Munthe, this track is dedicated to Axel’s parents, who named him after Munthe—a doctor and wildlife lover who devoted his life to animal protection. Although they didn’t know it at the time, they unknowingly named him after someone whose passion for wildlife would mirror his own. The track honours his parents’ creativity in choosing a name based purely on its sound.

Birds: Moustached Grass-Warbler, Cicada (slowed down, unknown species)

2. Sunset for Two

One of Ario’s favourite photographs, taken in Senegal in 2023, inspired this track. It features the Black-Crowned Cranes, symbolising the spontaneity and freedom of living and travelling full-time while dedicating their lives to wildlife.

Birds: Black-Crowned Crane


3. Infinite Love for Mehdi

A melancholic yet danceable track, this piece features the mournful call of the Black-Crowned Tchagra. It serves as a reminder that melancholy can be battled through dancing or simply grooving. Dedicated to DJ Mehdi, who inspired Axel to embrace a genre-less exploration of music.

Birds: Blue Spotted-Wood Dove (slowed down), Black-Crowned Tchagra, Fiery-Necked Nightjar


4. Coleman’s Call, Amen Revenge

Inspired by Gregory Coleman, the drummer of The Winstons, who played the iconic Amen Break, this track acknowledges the impact of Coleman’s contribution to electronic music. Coleman died homeless in 2006 without receiving royalties for his work. In line with the ethos of Sounding Wild Records, this track is dedicated to Coleman and all artists who contribute selflessly to art. Part of the royalties from this track will support nature reserves where Axel recorded these bird sounds.

Birds: Green Woodhoopoe, Great Northern Diver (which represents the spirit of Coleman), European Turtle Dove, Eurasian Curlew, Vinaceous Dove.

Artwork by the amazing Ed Dingli.


Original picture of the Black-Crowned Cranes by Ario Drioli, Djoudj National Park, Senegal, December 2023

Huge thanks also go to my family and friends who've been supporting me on this musical journey, in many ways. To Edu and James for listening to my EP many times, Gwen for letting me stay at her lovely place, together with Mauri for inspiring me to be creative at all times, Ario for capturing those incredible pictures and videos, Ed for making this amazing artwork, and all who believe in me and my crazy delusional dreams. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Released on Sounding Wild Records.

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