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Wildlife Dialects in Bird Songs?
Birds have dialects, like we do, and often find themselves integrating sounds into their vocabularies. What about the migratory birds which migrate thousands of miles? Where are they going? Are they taking local sounds into their vocabularies, and take those sounds thousands of miles away?
The Expedition.
Following the Wings Across Continents 2023/2024 expedition, Axel will follow the bird migration down the West Coast of Africa on a quest to find European migratory birds, hear theirs and other wildlife stories from the local communities, together with local music, and create a unique Immersive Audio Experience. The story is about giving importance to our heritage and dialects, inspiring younger generations to keep hold on these precious gifts we’ve been given.
Listen to the voice notes recorded every day and posted daily on Substack!
The Route
November 2024 - September 2025. Starting from Sierra Leone, where Daphne is (Toyota Hilux), going south towards South Africa.

The Plan
Each month Axel will:
Spend three weeks immersed in local wildlife capturing sounds in Immersive Audio
Record local stories and music, possibly collaborating with musicians.
Set up the Sounding Wild Immersive Audio Experience for a week, bringing the story to life to show to the local communities​